Online Store
Blue-stripped Bar 1
Online purchases temporary disabled, please check back later or contact us.
We should have new produce for sale later this spring-summer (2025). Please check back later.
Blue-stripped Bar 2


"Who we are, what we do..."FRIENDLY EAGLE FARMS: Veggie Basket

FRIENDLY EAGLE FARMS (2022) is owned and managed by FRIENDLY EAGLE SOFTWARE INC. (2018), a software company providing services in the field of Safety (HSE - Health, Safety & Environment) / and GPS tracking /, beside development of custom software projects.

Our aim is to provide high-quality, 100% organic / non-GMO, healthy food to people and other farms around us without involving chemicals or pesticides, all driven by precious memories of the far and not-so-far times of our grand- and grand-grand-parents, mixed now with new technologies and equipment - thus adding our minor, but remarkable (we hope), contribution around us and to the world.

"A farmer is a magician who produces money from the mud."
Amit Kalantri
"Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man."
George Washington
"Farmers are professional hopers."
Kristin Kimball
"To be a farmer is to be a student forever, for each day brings something new."
John Connell
"Farming is connecting with the Universe. We may need it on Mars and other planets as well."
Ion Durbaca
August 2024
Great family picture! FRIENDLY EAGLE FARMS - Great family picture
May - June 2023
We've installed a 30ft x 99ft greenhouse (Facebook video below). FRIENDLY EAGLE FARMS - Greenhouse
Have a question?
Get in touch with us by email and we'll do our best to respond in a timely manner (email addres at top-right of page).


Physical Address:

58418 Hwy 2
Vimy, Alberta T0G 2J0


Mailing Address:

PO Box 71570 Oxford Park PO
Edmonton, Alberta T6V 0E3


Friendly Eagle Software Inc.
All rights reserved © 2025

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